Bill Wittur
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my web site.
I’m Bill Wittur. William if you’re checking my ID.
I’m an writer, a musician-in-training and loyal husband and father.
I’ve had a few career changes in my life and through all of the variations, I’ve consistently been a writer and have kept a journal about my various experiences.
… scroll down to read My Story.
My Story
Everyone has a story.
I’ve been on the front page of the Globe and Mail’s business section (when launched), I swam the length of Lake Okanagan (about 120km) to raise funds for water-related charities and, like the lead protagonist in my story Extinction Event, I recently returned to school to study music and digital media. While studying Applied Mythology with Pacifica and music at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario, I discovered some of the emerging tools collectively labeled as ‘artificial intelligence’, or AI. This discovery changed how I approach the arts, as these tools have vastly expanded my capabilities.
As far as credentials go, I published a collection of lyrics related to an album that is in progress called Bliss. The twelve songs leverage the steps of Joseph Campbell’s monomyth or ‘Hero’s Journey’. It is currently available on Amazon and I hope to release the album early in 2025.
My various experiments with being an entrepreneur – a music download site called; a wine agency (NoteworthyWines) and a alcohol distribution network (Drinky) – never quite reached the heights that I would have liked, but they all shined a light on different experiences and people that have had a great influence on my writing. I’ve acquired unique perspectives on world events that make my writing more visceral and realistic.
I’ve been a blogger for years (, and I’m in the process of editing a personal memoir by a relative called ‘Sunshine and Storm’ by Florence Kirk, PhD. It is a woman’s experience as an educator at Ginling Institute during the Japanese invasion of Nanking, China and provides valuable context to the world-changing transitions that took place there during the 1920s through the 1940s.
In the near future, I will publish both a prequel and sequel for Extinction Event as well as various other works of fiction and poetry.

William Wittur
Let’s start a conversation and maybe even tell a few stories …
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