Music / poetry
If you’re a fan of Joseph Campbell, you know all about the ‘Hero’s Journey’ or what some folks call the ‘monomyth’.
If not, here’s a quick summary: Campbell uses a circular structure to describe the different stages of an adventure (or our lives) as we go from getting a call to action to engaging in different tests to discovering different mysteries in life and ultimately sharing those discoveries with those around us.
I used this template to create a dozen songs that are related to each stage of the journey.
It’s easy to understand how the various measures taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 from early 2020 to present day was incredibly life-altering for so many people. Most of us are still working through the wreckage of the last three years and I think many of us have gained a new understanding of the value of life.
I’m embarrassed to say that the pandemic was one of the most productive periods of my life because it spurred me into action AND my family was around the house on a regular basis.
I used the time to reflect on our perilous relationship with time and our surroundings and tapped into the wisdom of Joseph Campbell and many others to explore various themes related to the Hero’s Journey, or monomyth.
The monomyth tracks twelve stages of a person’s life as they live with purpose. In the early days of youth, people may not be fully aware of what their purpose is, but friends, family and the fates have a funny way of pushing us into action.
It’s easy to understand how the various measures taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 from early 2020 to present day was incredibly life-altering for so many people. Most of us are still working through the wreckage of the last three years and I think many of us have gained a new understanding of the value of life.
I’m embarrassed to say that the pandemic was one of the most productive periods of my life because it spurred me into action AND my family was around the house on a regular basis.
I used the time to reflect on our perilous relationship with time and our surroundings and tapped into the wisdom of Joseph Campbell and many others to explore various themes related to the Hero’s Journey, or monomyth.
The monomyth tracks twelve stages of a person’s life as they live with purpose. In the early days of youth, people may not be fully aware of what their purpose is, but friends, family and the fates have a funny way of pushing us into action.