Without Externalities, Economics Is A Failure
Economics forms the philosophical rationale for our current state of managing our planet. But if it’s based on irrational arguments, what’s it worth and should we consider a new point of view?

Growing Our Way Out Of Greenhouse Gases
NINE years. NINE years – about 3,000 days – is all we have to make serious corrections to our ways of living before we pass a point of no return and bring ruin to this great, beautiful, once-in-a-universe we call planet earth. This should be alarming to...

Winter Solstice: Where The Light Gets In
The ‘holiday’ period represents a long history of transition from an old year into a new one. In the western world, it traditionally starts with Winter Solstice (although there are many other observations that take place earlier), but opens up a period of time when many cultures celebrate the ‘resurrection of the sun’. As the year winds down, what are your resolutions, assuming you get sucked up into that kind of thinking at this time of year?

Some thoughts on completing Pacifica’s Applied Mythology Certificate
Some thoughts on celebrating the completion of Pacifica’s ‘Applied Mythology’ Certificate.