The Nightingale’s Song
From time to time, I chat with folks with the Interspecies Project. Recently, they shared a movie calledĀ The Nightengale’s Song. It’s a wonderful exploration of the potential of communicating with animals, or at least enjoying the spirit of sharing a song...Robbie Robertson, 1943-2023
Robbie Robertson was one of the great ones. May you continue to write and sing in the Big Sky.
Bliss: ‘This Slow Burning Fire’ (Song 1)
‘Slow Burning Fire’ is all about embarking into the world.
Blackbirds & Cardinals
A recent school project involved doing what’s called a ‘multi-cam’ video, so I did one from our home for my song ‘Blackbirds & Cardinals’. I need to re-record the music, but enjoy what I’ve done to date!...The Best Decade of Music … Ever!
I state my case that decade from 1975/76 to 1985 was the greatest continous decade of music, primarily because of the variety of styles that emerged, but also because the advances in technology and media formats brought about a broad abundance of music.