The Best Decade of Music … Ever!
I state my case that decade from 1975/76 to 1985 was the greatest continous decade of music, primarily because of the variety of styles that emerged, but also because the advances in technology and media formats brought about a broad abundance of music.

It’s Never Too Late To Change
I’m going back to school to study music production & promotion.

Covid Music: Don’t You Forget About Me
Don’t You Forget About Me is a perfect addition to any 80s soundtrack but almost wasn’t recorded by the band Simple Minds. Anyone that knows anything about the movie Breakfast Club will instantly appreciated the Covid context of waiting.

Covid Music: Celebration Day
Celebration Day – a no-brainer for the post-Covid soundtrack. And some thoughts on getting a call from a guitar genius offering to coach amateurs through lonely days of self-isolation.

Covid Music: Lost Together
Lost Together