Cars: EVerywhere EVs?
EV cars will soon be everywhere, but I feel like we’re in the early stages of creating our next crisis. Your thoughts?

Growing Our Way Out Of Greenhouse Gases
NINE years. NINE years – about 3,000 days – is all we have to make serious corrections to our ways of living before we pass a point of no return and bring ruin to this great, beautiful, once-in-a-universe we call planet earth. This should be alarming to...

Facebook Follies
The Facebook inquisition exposes truth. The truth that regulators are deeply in the dark about how today’s technology works is truly frightening.

A Week of Predictions
Mary Meeker’s ‘Internet Trends’ is a must read for those who want to compare predictions.

Innostructure, Part III: Funding
Last week’s budget was pretty exciting for entrepreneurs, schools, innovators and others across the country. This article presents the idea that funding should begin at home, with entrepreneurs being able to fund their startups using withdrawals from RRSPs.